For those who prefer credit cards, the sort feature will allow you to find a parlor that takes the card you want to use. Like some other venues, this is a cash only business. On the corner of Vermont and Lexington, you can visit Lexington Massage for a great sauna experience. Although it does not have private parking, there is an underground parking options that can be used. Open seven days a week, this parlor is discreetly located on Santa Monica Boulevard and features both Chinese and Hispanic masseuse options. For instance, King Health Center has table showers at no extra charge.
In addition to a regular erotic massage, you can find parlors that offer a sauna or table shower experience. Whether you want a hot Hispanic chick or a demure Chinese woman, use our search features to focus on the businesses that have what you need! Our comprehensive list has more than 100 sites of the lovely ladies in the city ready to help you feel good with a personal erotic massage. Let us help you with your Los Angeles erotic massage parlors search.